Monday, April 29, 2013

Lets Begin!

Good Morning ladies!!!

I have been doing a lot of thinking and have had  several of you ask if I would start a mid week Bible Study. Due to starting school this week, that will last for the next two months,
I am unable to commit to a weekly study. But, after much thought I decided to start a Blog Bible Study/Devotions. This will serve for several different needs. 1) This will be a great tool to help start your day or to read during your lunch break 2) You will still have the opportunity to use your own voice/words to give thought and input  3) This will challenge me as a leader in the church to push myself in what I am learning in order to be able to encourage and teach each of you!

I have promised to always be honest and transparent with areas in my own life that I struggle with in hopes that each of you will know you can trust and feel comfortable sharing your life and struggles with your church family so that you can receive love, support and prayer! We each have  areas of strengths and struggles. Nobody is exempt from this.

I have personally struggled for most all of my adult life with depression, anxiety and fear. When I have had trouble in my marriage, with family or in parenting...Yep, it has absolutely come back to one of those issues I just mentioned. I don't know about you all but I am tired of the roller coaster I tend to ride. I am ready to declare and speak the authority that God has given to  me over these lies from Satan. I spend more time speaking depression, anxiety and fear into my life than claiming the goodness that God as for me. WE are daughters of the most high King! We have no business thinking we have to accept anything but Gods promises! Think about this for a moment, I know it is a little silly, but, it is so true..

 Do Prince William or Kate Middleton have to worry much about issues like we struggle with?...our first thought would be "NO".  Anything they would want or need is taken care of because they are royalty..... Think about that, they are royalty to other flawed human beings.

We are royalty to the most High King. The only one who makes no  mistakes, the only one who will never forsake us, the only one who has ever given his only son to die for our sins!!! Again I say, I am tired of this roller coaster I tend to ride. Are you? Lets take a stand and start truly believing that our Words Have Power! We have to declare and speak the promises of God into our lives...DAILY!

Psalm 63:1 psalm of David. When he was in the dessert of Judah. "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirst for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water."

This verse is describing a deep longing for God, one that can only be satisfied by a close relationship with him. If you claim to know God we are told to examine ourselves by asking: Do I really desire a for God's presence to be evident in my life or do I go through life consumed with temporary pursuits, material gains, giving little to no time in prayer??? Something to think about!!

I love you all so much and I feel so blessed and honored and completely humbled to serve as a leader to all of you. I want you all to know when I look at each one of you and I see a beautiful, strong woman of God!


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