Monday, April 7, 2014

Encourage or Critique

I want to ask you a question, one that I have recently asked myself. Have you ever used your strength to point out another's weakness? Let me ask it another way that may make it easier to understand. Have you ever used the things that come easy for you to point out an area where someone else may struggle? 

I recently asked myself this question in regards to my marriage. I questioned what I get frustrated with Jason about and then I asked why. More times than not, it was over issues that I felt I did better. Notice I said "felt I did better". 

How about my boys. I have at time found myself pointing out what they haven't accomplished in a day instead of finding all the amazing things they have accomplished in a day. Have you said "I could have had that done in half the time" or "why would you do it like that?" Guilty. I have. Why do I have equal expectations in areas where I have years more experience?  

In your workplace, when a co-worker isn't keeping pace with you, understanding expectations or is simply not effective by YOUR standard - are you quick to judge or criticize? How do we so easily disregard our own struggles and appoint ourselves a qualified critic?

Before we allow ourselves to become disappointed, frustrated, angry or judgmental towards our spouse, children or co-workers, let's take a second (or longer depending on the issue) to assess the situation. Before responding, lets ask ourselves if we are upset because we are stronger in a particular area of our life than they are. Then, lets use our strengths to encourage others in their weakness rather than cripple them with criticism.  

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